
Showing posts from October, 2017

Being a Red Ranger AKA Jason Lee Scott

Whenever I hear " GO GO POWER RANGER " I'm instantly teleported to the childhood where I enjoyed my saturdays by watching Power Ranger Mighty Morphin at TV3. I’d sit glued to the TV screen while 5 rangers battled the evil monsters Rita Repulsa would unleash upon the Power Rangers and Angel Grove which lead by none other then our one and only Red Ranger. You can’t outrun bad decisions : Jason Lee Scott (Red Ranger) was a standout football player. There was also a rough side to Jason. After putting a cow in another high school’s gym locker room, the police arrived. He tried to outrun them. And thought he did. Then the accident happened. He crashed into a parked car and injured his knee, killing his chance at a football scholarship. There are leaders who think they can outrun the bad decisions they’re making. Throw more money at the problem, snort a little coke to dull the pain of the probl

Amarendra Baahubali the Saviour among Men

So let’s look at Baahubali from the leadership lens. How you can essentially use them so as to remain inspired and driven to achieve a goal. Read on for 4 epic lessons which are impressive parameters of humanity that had been laid by this epic. 1. Leadership is a Conversation The command-and-control approach to leadership has in recent years become less and less practical Glocalization, ups and downs in the market place has changed the parameters. How companies create value and interact with consumers have suddenly reduced the utility of a purely instruction led, top-down model of leadership. Amarendra Baahubali even during his exile was always conversant with the “praja”. The coronation ceremony was the most ground shattering scene of Bahubali 2. Even then Amarendra had a conversation, he did not read it from the script.“Physical immediacy among leaders and employees isn’t constantly achievable. But psychological or emotional proximity is essential.”So what will replace the com

NARUTO UZAMAKI the leader who inspired me

Naruto a born in Konoha (hidden leaf) where a deadly demon nine tail fox sealed in him by his father the previous Hokage (leader of hidden leaf) and his mother who is the previous jinjiruki (people who have demon sealed in) on their death bed. As naruto grows in to a kid he and the people f konoha don't know about his parent. All the people see him as the demon itself show their grudge on the little innocent lonely boy. Despite the suffering he decide to be strong to be more specific stronger than the previous Hokages and make everybody acknowledge him as for who he is. He started to train to be a strong ninja. He failed his ninja academy exams few times but he din't give. One find day he mastered one of the hardest jutse Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu and prove that he is capable of being a strong shinobi to his master Iruka and Iruka graduate him from the academy. Then he join

Abang pilih yang mana?

Ada banyak jenis gaya kepimpinan. setiap satu nya ada pros and cons masing masing and there is no right or wrong in choosing your leadership style. sometimes, kita kena tengok keadaan utk tentukan gaya kepimpinan mana yang boleh kita gunakan untuk dapat best results. so ini adalah antara best style of leadership. Authoritarian Leadership (autocratic) Pemimpin dengan gaya authoritarian akan memberikan arahan yang jelas tentang apa yang harus dikerjakan, kapan harus dikerjakan dan bagaimana cara mengerjakannya. Fokus pada kontrol atas anggota group dan  kepatuhan mereka kepada pemimpin Pemisahan yang jelas antara pemimpin dengan anggota group Pemimpin membuat keputusan dengan masukan seminimal mungkin dari anggota group Keputusan yang diambil cenderung kurang kreatif Source : Google Image Participative Leadership (democratic) Pemimpin memberikan petunjuk atau pedoman kepada anggota group, turut berpartisipasi didalam group, dan menerima masukan dari anggota g

Military Leadership

Military people seems themselves as the most discipline, organized one, even if sometimes they are not at all. Not even close. but if you see it in a bigger perspective, we can gain a lot from military. The way they shows their leadership qualities. Below are something that we may use to become a better leader.   Let’s Be Honest   To be an effective leader, you must be honest one-hundred percent of the time. Here is the great thing     about honesty; you don’t have to keep track of lies you’ve told. Unfortunately, it sometimes hurts. It does   no good to know an answer and put off giving somebody the bad news. Photo taken during last commisioning at DATC UITM Shah Alam Gunnery Instructor (GI) giving briefing. Remain Consistent To prevent anybody, anywhere and at any time from ever accusing you of showing favoritism, you must remain consistent. Here is an example: soldier A was late for formation 3 times in the past week while soldier B was late 3 times in one week 90 days

advantages of dictatorship

what we can say about Dictatorship is a form of government in which the power is centralized. It either lies with    a small group of people or  a single person.  The people do not have any choice with regards to by whom or how their country will be run. there is a few country adapt this kind of ruling type such as, china, north korea, zimbabwe and cuba.  lets see what actually dictatorship actually benefits us  Stable Government since the decision-making lies with only one person. no other person will have a things to say to change the goverment as everything will decide by one person only. then,  Problems such as frequent elections, as in the case of democracy, or a disruption of peace due to political factions, do not arise in a dictatorship.                                                       happy kim jong un                                                   Less Room for Corruption A dictator is very stringent with regards to the rules, regulations, penalties, punishm

Hal yang Patut Diteladani dari Muhammad Al-Fatih

Nama Muhammad Al-Fatih tercatat dalam sejarah dunia dan terus dikenang hingga kini. Bagaimana tidak, pada tahun 1453, saat masih berusia 21 tahun, ia telah berhasil memimpin pasukan Turki Utsmani merebut kota Konstantinopel dari Kekaisaran Byzantium. Padahal pada masa itu kota Konstantinopel dikenal sebagai kota dengan benteng legendaris yang sangat sulit ditembus. 1. Fleksibel, Inovatif dan Penuh Kejutan. Felix Siauw dalam bukunya menceritakan, Al-Fatih memiliki mata pelajaran favorit, yakni sejarah. Felix menulis, sejarah adalah salah satu cabang ilmu yang sangat dikuasai oleh pemimpin besar dunia Islam, seperti Rasulullāh SAW, Umar bin Khaththab, Khalid bin Walid, dan para sahabat lainnya. Dengan mempelajari ilmu sejarah itulah, menurut Siauw, Sulṭān Muhammad Al-Fātiḥ kemudian tumbuh menjadi seorang yang fleksibel, inovatif, dan penuh dengan kejutan. Source : Google Image 2.Berani Sulṭān Muhammad Al-Fātiḥ terjun sendiri ke medan laga saat perang. Sang sultan

A Typical Night in the Academy

So, there was one night. A typical night in this academy. Warden P doing his round and suddenly , ' BOOOOMMMM' , a firecracker was lit up and crowd start cheering and cursing and more firecracker came up after that. Warden P cant do anything. He leaves. On that particular night, I realized how important crowd control are.  Below are some of the useful tips on how to successfully manage a crowd. 1. First of all, KNOW YOUR CROWD.     -   You dont want to test their patience by waiting for too long in an events or even registration at a school. Knowing your crowds will make them feel more patience. Try to talk to them in a manner where you dont ruin your reputation and their patience. Source : Google Image 2. Inform them     - Communication is the best key to prevent any human error from happening. Do communicate with them because thats what they really want. They want to know what is going on. If you keep silence, then you will lose your crowd. Crowd can be your cust

sifat yang harus dihindar seorang ketua

1. merungut - beberapa sifat yang harus dielakkan oleh seorang ketua merungut, membebel, memberi alasan dan menunding jari. Ia tidak menunjukkan kematangan, keyakinan diri dan ia menunjukkan contoh yang buruk  2. menipu- jika anda cuba untuk menjadi jujur, dan sentiasa berkata benar dengan kakitangan anda. anda akan menjadi lebih positif dan dapat mengenali kelemahan dan kelebihan diri anda. penipuan adalah satu yang memakan diri sendiri, jika ia berterusan masalah ini akan menyebabkan kurang kepercayaan dari orang lain 3. bersifat diktator- tidak kira tinggi mana pangkat anda, anda bukan boss. kita tetap berkhidmat dibawah satu organisasi lain. bah kan anda seorang CEO anda tetap berkhidmat dbawah board of director. jikan anda besikap seperti diktator, anda akan berpotensi tinggi untuk disisih oleh org bawahan 4. janji palsu- seorang ketua yg berkeyakinan dan  berkaliber tidak akan membuat janji palsu. staff kita bukanlah kanak2 untuk kita menabur janji2 palsu , menanam tebu di

Best Quotes on Leadership

These are among the best quotes that I can find on the web related to Leadership. These are the quotes that inspires me to be a better leader in the future if I may. Source : Source : Source : Source : I hope this quote will inspire every each one of you to be a better and wiser leader in the future.


Jika disebut nama Jose Mario dos Santos Felix Mourinho, mungkin ramai yang tidak mengenali siapakah pemilik nama tersebut tetapi jika disebut hanya sebagai Jose Mourinho, terbayang susuk tubuh pengedali Manchester United bagi peminat suka bola sepak. Jose Mouringho atau lebih dikenali sebagai JM aka The Special One tidak mempunyai bakat dan pengalaman yang luas sebagai pemain bola sepak di pentas antarabangsa. Beliau lebih menyerlah sebagai seorang jurulatih di mana setiap kali beliau dilantik untuk melatih sesebuah kelab bola, pasukan itu akan menunjukkan keserasian, mempamerkan pencapain yang memberangsangkan dan memenangi pelbagai kejuaraan liga. FC Porto, Chelsea, Inter Milan, Real Madrid ialah antara beberapa kelab ternama yang pernah dibimbing oleh JM. Kini beliau mengemudi kelab paling bernilai dunia, Manchester United. Ketika bersama FC Porto, beliau berjaya menewaskan Manchester United yang ketika itu di bwah kendalian Sir Alex Ferguson lantas berkata,   " Kata-kata