Pablo Escobar

Most of the leaders/rich people in the world, they wanted names, fame. Hundreds or thousands of interviews. Their name in the news' headlines. Unlike this man, Pablo Escobar. He was a Colombian drug lord ceased in the year 1993. Despite of these convictions he committed, he was well respected by the Colombian citizens. Some even called him the Colombian Robin Hood. We are all exposed, taught to be leaders, but only few numbers of us practically be humbled, keep everything to ourselves. It is our nature as human that we wanted people to know what we've done to the society, what we have accomplished. We wanted the world to know what we have contributed, how well we lead in an organization, we want the world to know how successful we are, but this didn't happen to Don Pablo. He contributed a lot to his people. With the wealthiness that he had, he helped to build his country. He'd done a lot to his country but he wanted the story of his generosity to be covered by the reporters but soon after his death, everything published.

Source: Google

Source: Google

Don Pablo was responsible for the construction of the football stadium in Western Colombia ( Source: Google)

Source: Google


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