im gonna briefly tell you about imperial region of japan toyotomi hedeyoshi

born in nagoya.1536
he eventually will become a worrior and a politician.
he help bring in a end in major social appeal in is a period where lead to the full unification of japan under the tokugawa shogun. but sad to study at temple he rebel running away and search for advanture. and when he return he became a lowly servant of oda clan. he eventually became a soldier  and a lagendry tale build a fortress overnight
adapt in war he also a great nagotiator. he convince rival to serender rather than fight
and 1573, he had been given to control 3 district north of the omi province. he took control of firearn factory and greatly increase it output. and 1583 he began on construction of a castle. which ironicly become the last stronghold of the toyotomi clan after hedeyoshi death .
hideyoshi never receive a title of shogun himself , instead securing number of high profile position
in the imperial courts .including imperial region title
his 1519 seige of odawara ended all resistance againts hideyoshi and his forces. hot satisfied hideyoshi had dream of conquering china ming dynasty , and set off a course engaged in battle through the korean peninsular in 1587. he such a negotiate un-impede the korea , but the korean resisted his action
un-impeded hideyoshi order the invasion anyway. within a month hideyoshi had been secured the path. the korean millitant arrest the japanese forces prevent and further advancement
hideyoshi died in september 1598. and with him die the japanese dream of complete control of asia


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